Core proposition

Jenna Porter
1 min readMay 18, 2021

The core proposition of accelerationism is to try to tap the existing potential of capitalism to accelerate the development of capitalism and thus transition to a post-capitalist society. But this obviously falls into the “constructivism” misunderstanding, because accelerationism advocates the use of science and technology to increase productivity to promote the development of capitalism, which can only accelerate the temporary development of capitalism, but cannot accelerate the development of history.

Neither the traditional accelerationism nor the accelerationism manifesto put forward by Srnicek and Williams can surpass the capitalist way of thinking in essence, and are still far from realistic thinking. They do not conform to objective laws, they are just individuals. Thoughts are whimsical.

“Accelerationism” is an idea that tries to accelerate its development within capitalism and eventually push capitalism to the brink of extinction. To some extent, it borrowed and brought into play Marx’s related thoughts on the crisis of capitalism, but went to the other extreme when expounding it specifically, which was an extreme and one-sided thought.

